Freaky Friday featuring Isaac

This weeks freaky friday feature from T-1 is an inspiring poem from Isaac Hoefling with an awesome portrait from David Leep.

Poynter on Peta2

Peta2 did an interview with Karl about vegetarianism and animal rights, and they are throwing a contest where you can win some goods from Eastern and Shadow. GO VEG!

Brooklyn Banks Rally Saturday

Just got this email from DGH fowarded from Ed Pollio, thanks guys - Be prepared because this is what the Banks is going to look like this Weekend Especially since our friend Steve Rodriguez from 5 Boro is planning to have a little impromptu rally/gathering at the Banks this Saturday January 23 @ 1PM. (weather permitting) Fuel TV will be there to do a little piece on it. Please try to come out!


Here is an exclusive promo for the YOU GOT THAT video from the Infamy Bmx guys. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you do. Pick up a copy at their online store and while your at it pick up a shirt too. Video is real dialed and this promo shows that. Check the EPIC ending.

Benson photo booth RideUK

Daniel Benson has a photo booth feature over on rideUK which includes some pretty great shots that for one reason or another didn't make it to the mag.